When is the best time to sell?
When is the best time to sell?
The best time to sell any type of property is an age-old question that really doesn’t have a definitive answer.
Experts have varying opinions, but one thing they do all agree on is the amount of competition in the marketplace.
Selling when competition is low and demand is high will always achieve the best results.
That time is now!
There are currently very few properties on the market in Salt and Casuarina.
Only six units are currently for sale in Mantra Resort, Peppers Resort and Peppers Bale Resort.
Only 13 strata properties are for sale in the region and just 41 houses!
This low level of stock is unprecedented in our region. However low stock levels are a great opportunity for you! It means there is very little competition in the market, your property will stand out – and makes NOW a great time to sell!
Need proof that property is still selling? In the last 12 months, we have sold more than $36 million worth of local real estate.
This included 14 houses, 32 units and 16 land blocks. With high buyer demand, we could have sold more … but didn’t have the available stock.
We have a strong buyer database wanting to buy houses, vacant land and strata and resort apartments.
If you are considering selling, contact us today for an obligation free appraisal – you could be surprised at the value of your unit and how simple the selling process really is.