Record prices for Mantra, Peppers and Bale units – is it time to list yours?

There has never been a better time to sell your Salt Village apartment.
Salt Village apartments are in short supply in our local lifestyle resorts Mantra, Peppers and Peppers Bale, which provides a great opportunity for owners to achieve a quick, successful sale.
The popular resorts have always been a sought-after investment for their ability to generate a solid income, while also allowing purchasers to enjoy the holiday lifestyle at their leisure.
Until recently, buyers have been able to walk through our office doors and choose from a selection of available apartments.
The tide has officially turned and now only a handful of units are available for sale in these prestigious complexes. This current shortage of available apartments, along with a hungry database, means units are selling at a higher price than ever before.
We have a database full of apartment-hunters and very little to offer them!
If you are considering selling your apartment in Mantra, Peppers or Peppers Bale, please get in touch to arrange a free appraisal.
We have been selling Salt Village apartments for more than 10 years and look forward to facilitating a smooth, successful sale for you.
Phone 02 6674 3444, email or call in and see us at the Casuarina Town Centre.